Clark, A. (1993). Associative engines: Connectionism, concepts, and representational change. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press. [buy book]

Book News, Inc., 04/01/94:
Combining philosophical arguments, empirical results, and
interdisciplinary speculations, Clark (cognitive sciences, U. of
Sussex, England) contends that connectionist approaches are bringing
about a radical shift in cognitive science. The static,
inner-code-oriented conception of the discipline's subject matter, he
says, is giving way to a more dynamic, process- oriented view.
Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

Table of Contents
Pt. 1. Melting the Inner Code
Ch. 1. Computational Models, Syntax, and the Folk Solids
Ch. 2. Connectionism, Code, and Context
Ch. 3. What Networks Know
Ch. 4. What Networks Don't Know
Ch. 5. Concept, Category, and Prototype
Pt. 2. From Code to Process
Ch. 6. The Presence of a Symbol
Ch. 7. The Role of Representational Trajectories
Ch. 8. The Cascade of Significant Virtual Machines
Ch. 9. Associative Learning in a Hostile World
Ch. 10. The Fate of the Folk
Ch. 11. Associative Engines - The Next Generation

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