
Phil 255: Policies


Reporting marks:
Unfortunately, it is against university policy for me to either post or report marks to students without being able to verify their identity. This means I can't post marks on the door, on the web, or provide them over email.

Handing in essays:
Essays should be handed in electronically and in paper form (in-class, or to HH 365 if late).

In-class essays:
These essays are worth .5% each and are to be completed at the beginning of each class and are to be about a paragraph long. They are intended to provide students an opportunity to raise questions, comment on the readings, etc. and help me know if students are understanding the material. A total of 10% of the class grade is assigned to these essays, you can miss two and still receive 10%.

General policy:
If you want to have an exception made to any of the deadlines, marking schemes, etc. you must provide documentation from a relevant expert (e.g., a doctor, dentist, or counsellor) that supports your reasons. I'm not qualified to judge whether or not certain situations are sufficient reason for your not being able to meet academic requirements. Without such documentation, no exceptions will be made. This holds for missed tests, requested re-writes, changes in the marking scheme, etc.

Late essays:
You will lose 3 marks (of the 35) per day (days end at midnight), including weekends. Any late assignments must be handed in via email, otherwise the time of receipt (i.e., when I physically get it in my hands) will determine the late penalty. You must also provide a hard copy as soon as possible. If you want an extension, see the general policy.

Note on avoidance of academic offenses:
All students registered in the courses of the Faculty of arts are expected to know what constitutes an academic offense, to avoid committing academic offenses, and to take responsibility for their academic actions. When the commission of an offense is established, it will be acknowledged by disciplinary penalties. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalties, students are directed to consult the summary of Policy #71 (Student Academic Discipline) which is supplied in the Undergraduate Calendar (p. 1:11).