Note: The first lecture will be held Wednesday, September 14, at 1pm in HH357. At this meeting we will arrange the time and place for the remaining lectures.
Instructor: Chris Eliasmith
Office hours: Tues 3-4 and by appointment, HH331.
Time: TBA
Course Readings:
The Course will consist of a series of readings, as outlined in the syllabus. The will be made available in the Philosophy Office (HH365). You will be responsible for copying and reading them before class. The schedule of readings is below the list of readings.
Course Description: This is a upper level course examining contemporary attempts to naturalize meaning. During the semester, students will read recent work in philosophy of mind that 1) defines the problem of naturalizing meaning, 2) describes a series of challenges for those wishing to take on this project, and 3) attempts to solve the problem and meet these challenges. Specifically, students will examine three contemporary attempts (with some variations), at naturalizing the meaning of mental states. Many of these attempts take psychological states to be those that must be ascribed mental content. As time permits, students will be exposed to the most recent attempts to naturalize meaning, which focus more on neural, rather than psychological states.
Week |
Readings |
Topic/Notes |
1 (9/14) |
Course Outline Intro: Eliasmith (2001) (pdf) |
Introduction |
2 (9/21) |
Schwartz (1994) |
Naturalizing meaning |
3 (9/28) |
Peacocke (1994).
Content and Twinearth |
4 (10/5) |
Drestke (1988)
Misrepresentation, Twinearth and Frege |
5 (10/12) |
Dretske (1983) (and commentaries) |
Information Theory (causal theory 1) |
6 (10/19) |
Millikan (1989) |
Teleofunction (causal theory 2) |
7 (10/26) |
Harman (1982) |
Conceptual Role |
8 (11/2) |
Block (1986); |
Two Factor Theories |
9 (11/9) |
(1996), chp 7 |
Isomorphism |
10 (11/16) |
Eliasmith (2003) |
Neurosemantics (1) |
11 (11/23) |
Ryder (2004) |
Neurosemantics (2) |
12 (11/30) |
Essay presentations |
Grading: The course requires the writing of a final essay (about 4000 words; 80%) plus a seminar presentation during which the student will guide discussion regarding that week's reading (20%). Essays are due Dec. 16, 2005.
Note on avoidance of academic offenses: All students registered in the courses of the Faculty of arts are expected to know what constitutes an academic offense, to avoid committing academic offenses, and to take responsibility for their academic actions. When the commission of an offense is established, it will be acknowledged by disciplinary penalties. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalties, students are directed to consult the summary of Policy #71 (Student Academic Discipline) which is supplied in the Undergraduate Calendar (p. 1:11).