Books Authored:
Sikhism and Women
Sikhism (U Hawaii)
Introduction, PDF
World Religions. Canadian Perspectives - Eastern Traditions
World Religions. Canadian Perspectives - Western Traditions
Sikhism. Dimensions of Asian Spirituality Series. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 2011.
Relocating Gender in Sikh History: Transformation, Meaning and Identity, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2003 (hardcover).
Relocating Gender in Sikh History: Transformation, Meaning and Identity, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2005 (paperback).
Here are a couple of on-line reviews of the volume. One is by Puneet Singh Lamba in The Sikh Times, a Sikh news and information website, and is entitled "The Better Half of Sikh History." Another is from The Economic and Political Weekly by Ravinder Kaur, May 22, 2004, "Making Sikh Women Visible" also to be found in The Sikh Times Book Review Section.
Chapters in Books:
Sikhs in Europe
PDF of introduction of Sikhs in Europe
Sikhism in Global Context
You can read the entire chapter here
Religion and Women
Refereed Journals: "3HO/Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemispehre: The "Forgotten" New Religious Movement?" Religion Compass, 2:1 (2008)
“Understanding Religion and Cyberspace: What have we learned, what lies ahead?” Re ligious Studies Review , 32:4 (2006).
“Sikhism, Interfaith Dialogue and Women: Transformation and Identity,” Journal of Contemporary Religion , Vol. 21, No. 2, May 2006
“Sikh Ritual Identity: Who Speaks for Sikh Women,” Chakra – tidskrift for indiska religioner , Theme, ‘Modern Media and Texts in Indian Religions' , No. 1, Vol. 3, 2005.
“Constructing Sikh Identities: Authorities, Virtual and Imagined,” International Journal of Punjab Studies No. 1 and 2, Vol. 10 (January 2004) pp. 127-142.
Peer reviewed journals that have included reviews of my book are not available on-line without subscriptions.
Chapters, Entries:
"'Sikhizing the Sikhs': The role of 'new media' in historical and contemporary identity construction within global Sikhism", in Knut Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold, eds, Sikhs Across Borders. Transnational Practices of European Sikhs, London, Continuum, 2012.
"Studying the Sikhs: Thirty years later.... Where have come, where are we going?" in Pashaura Singh, ed, Sikhism in it Global Context, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011.
"Sikhism and Women. Contextualizing the Issues," in Sikhism and Women. History, Texts and Experience. Delhi: Oxford Univeristy Press, 2010, pp. 1-34.
"Sikhism and Women," in Leona M. Anderson and Pamela Dickey Young, eds., Women and Religious Traditions, 2nd edition, Toronto: Pxford University Press, 2010, pp. 226-255.
“Sikhism in Canada,” in James A. Beverley, J. Gordon Melton, Donald Wiebe, eds., Encyclopaedia of Religions in Canada , Toronto, HarperCollins, forthcoming.
“Sikh Rituals,” in Frank Salamone , ed., Encyclopaedia of Religious Rites, Rituals and Festivals, Routledge, 2004.
“Barriers to Women's Leadership,” in G. R. Goethals, G. Sorenson & J.M. Burns, eds., Encyclopaedia of Leadership, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Reference, 2004.
“What's in a Name? Circumscribing Sikh Female Nomenclature,” Pashaura Singh, N.G. Barrier, eds., Sikhism and History, Delhi , Oxford University Press, 2004. Read a review of the volume here.
“The Construction of Gender in History and Religion: The Sikh Case,” in Mandakranta Bose, ed., Faces of the feminine in ancient, medieval and modern India, New York, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 270-286.
“Conversion in the Sikh Tradition,” in M. Darrol Bryant and Christopher Lamb, eds., Religious Conversion: Contemporary Practices and Controversies, London , Cassell Publishers, 1999, pp. 166-174.
“Gender Issues in Sikh Studies: Hermeneutics of Affirmation or Hermeneutics of Suspicion?” in Pashaura Singh and N. Gerald Barrier, eds., The Transmission of Sikh Heritage in the Diaspora , New Delhi, Manohar, 1996, pp. 45-72.
WWW Journals and Entries: "Bhakti," in Women in World History Project, About the People and Project, Centre for History and New Media, George Mason University.
“Authority in the Virtual Sangat: Sikhism, Ritual and Identity in the Twenty-First Century,” Online. Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet , (2:1) 2006, pp. 24-40, .
- “Bibliography on Sikhism” and "A Tale of Two Prisons" in On Common Ground: World Religions in America, Multimedia CD-ROM, Diana L. Eck and the Pluralism Project,
Harvard University, New York, Columbia University Press, 1997.
Other Journals:
“Feminism, Women's Movements, and the World Religions,” Women's Concerns, 2, 2005, pp. 19-21.
"Sikh Studies: Where do we go from here?” Sikh Review , Vol. 49, No 10, Oct. 2001, pp., 66-71.
“Where are the Women? Making Room for Women in Sikh Studies: A North American Perspective,” Punjab History Conference Proceedings. Twenty-ninth Session , 1998.
Book Reviews:
Opinderjit Kaur Takhar, Sikh Identity. An Exploration of Groups Among Sikhs , Aldershot , Ashgate, 2005, Journal of Contemporary Religion , 22:1.
Kamala Elizabeth Nayar , The Sikh Diaspora in Vancouver : Three Generations Amid Tradition, Modernity and Multiculturalism, Toronto : University of Toronto Press , 2004, Canadian Literature , forthcoming. February 2006.
David Gordon White, The Kiss of the Yogini: “Tantric Sex” in its South Asian Context . Chicago , University of Chicago Press , 2003, Journal of Religious History , forthcoming.
Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity . Eds., Christopher Shackle, Gurharpal Singh and Arvind-pal Mandair. Richmond : Curzon Press, 2001, in International Journal of Hindu Studies , forthcoming.
Warrior Saints. Three Centuries of the Sikh Military Tradition, Amandeep Singh Madra and Parmjit Singh, London, I.B. Tauris in association with The Sikh Foundation, 1999, in International Journal of Hindu Studies , forthcoming.
The Sikh Way . A Pilgrim's Progress , I.J. Singh, Guelph , The Centennial Foundation, 2001, in Dialogue and Alliance , Vol. 17:1, Spring-Summer 2003.
Sourcebook of the World's Religions. An Interfaith Guide to Religion and Spirituality , ed., Joel Beverslius, Novato , California : New World Library, 2000, in Dialogue and Alliance , Vol. 15, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 2001).
Sikh Ethnonationalism and the Political Economy of Punjab , Shinder Purewal, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2000, in Journal of Asian Studies , Vol. 61:3 (August 2002).
Riding with the Lion. In Search of Mystical Christianity , Kariacos C. Markides, New York, Penguin, Arkana, 1996, in The Journal of Religious Studies , Vol. XXVII (Spring-Autumn, 1996).
Darrol Bryant and Doris R. Jakobsh, A Canadian Interfaith Directory,
1993, Renison College, University of Waterloo, 1993.
'Feminizing the 'marked Sikh body': History, contemporary narratives and the WWW'
Media, Religion and Culture International Conference
Andalou University, Eskesehir, Turkey
Negotiation Sikh Female Identites Online: Image, Narrative and Text
Punjab Research Group
University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton, UK
'Sikhs, Violence and Radicalization in Canada'
Religion, Radicalization and Securitization Project,
Centre for Studies in Religion and Society
Victoria, BC, Canada
'Perspectives on Sikh Radicalization in Canada: Culture, Religion and Society'
Metropolis 2011, Immigration, Bringing the World to Canada
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Constructs and Contradictions: Negotiation on identity, ethnicity and nationality by South Asian Youth Panel.
Transnational Punjabis in the 21st Century: Beginnings, Juntures and Departures Conference
The University of the Fraser Valley
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
"Traversing Sacred India, Experience and Reflection"
Invited Speaker
Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA
"Offline politics/Online shaming: Sikhs and Gurdwara Politics"
Diasporizing Punjab, Disorienting Bhangra. Disaporizing Punjab Conference
Jointly Sponsored by the University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
"'Sikhizing the Sikhs': Global Sikhism - 'New Media' within Historical and Contemporary Identity Construction"
Sikhs in Europe: Migration, Identity and Transnational Practices
Lund University, Lund Sweden
"'Sikhizing the Sikhs': Global Sikhism - 'New Media' within Historical and Contemporary Identity Construction"
Arts Scholarly Events and Faculty of Teaching and Learning Invited Lecture
Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada
"Tools for Creating Soulful Space in the Classroom: The Concept Map"
7th International Conference, Hollistic Learning: Breaking New Ground
Soulful Spaces: Transforming Self - Transforming the World,
Jointly sponsored by the University of Waterloo and OISE, University of Toronto, Canada
Discussant and participant
Expaninding Horizons: Sikh Studies at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century International Conference
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
"Studying the Sikhs: Thirty years later.... Where have we come from, where are we going?"
Sikhism in its Global Context International Conference
University of California, Riverside, USA
"Offline politics/Online shaming: Sikhs and North American Gurdwara Politics"
Dialogues and Dievrsity
6th Conference on Media, Religion and Culture
Universidade Metodista de San Paulo
San Paulo, Brazil
"'Sikhizing the Sikhs': The role of 'New Media' in Historical and Contemporary Identity Construction."
American Academy of Religion
San Diego, California, USA
"Sikh Women and Sewa: Mobilization, Gender Politics and the WWW"
Women in a Global World: Feminist Values and Human Rights Issues, Sumposium
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
"The Media and Sikh Identity Construction: Historical and Contemporary Representation"
American Acadaemy of Religion - Eastern Division
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
"What Sikhism has to offer the study of World Religions” – Plenary Address
Religion in the Public Sphere: Asian Traditions as Resources for Responding to Contemporary Issues Conference
East-West Center , Valparaiso University College of Arts & Sciences Valparaiso University ,
Valparaiso , Indiana , USA
“Who is a Sikh? Colonial and Contemporary Media Constructions of Sikh Identity.”
5 th International Conference on Media, Religion and Culture
Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna Foundation
Sigtuna , Sweden
“Representation, Mobilization and Globalization: Sikhs and Women's Seva on the WWW.”
19 th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (ECMSAS 2006)
Leiden University
Leiden , Netherlands
“Glimpses into Women in World Religions: Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion”
Lessing Institute Summer Program,
New Anglo-American College ,
Prague , Czech Republic
“Claiming a position: Sikhism, gender identity and women.”
Gender and Canadian Values Conference
Brandon University
Brandon, Manitoba
“Sikh Ritual Identity: Who Speaks for Sikh Women?”
Ritual Practices in Indian Religions and Contexts Conference Lund University Lund , Sweden
“Innovation or Invention: The Sikhs, colonization, gender and the feminization of ritual”
South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) Lecture Lund University Lund , Sweden
Participant Canadian Centre for Arts and Technology (CCAT) Research Colloquium University of Waterloo Waterloo , Canada
Panel Discussant
“The Light of the Guru Granth in a Pluralistic World”
Interfaith Perspectives on Justice and Universality: Textual Precepts Versus Practices Conference
Celebration of the 400 th Anniversary of the Sikh Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib McGill University Montreal , Canada
Innovation or Invention? Sikh tradition, ritual, and gender politics in colonial Punjab"
South Asia Studies Colloquium University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia , USA
“Sikhism, Interfaith Dialogue and Women: The Scenario”
Sikhism and Inter-religious Dialogue Birmingham University Birmingham , UK
Re-Examining Colonial Knowledge: Views from North India
Association for Asian Studies, (AAS) New York , USA
“Constructing Sikh Identities: Authorities, Virtual and
of the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2002
of Toronto
“Finding the Fault-lines: Gender in Sikh Studies”
Ahluwalia Lectures
Centre for
South Asia Studies
of California at Berkeley
in a Name? Circumscribing Sikh Female Naming Practices”
Sikhism in
the Light of History Conference
of Michigan, Michigan
Ann Arbor,
College, University of Waterloo,
in a Name? The Singh Sabha and the Feminization of Ritual”
of Pennsylvania,
“Race and Gender
in a Frontier Society: The Sikhs and the politics of similarity under
the Raj”
Perspectives in Sikh Studies Conference
(University of London) and De Montfort University,
Great Britain
“Fluidity and Transformation: Gender Construction in the Early Sikh
‘Fluid and
Contested: ‘Tradition’ in South Asia’ Conference
Institute of Asian Research
of British Columbia,
British Columbia
are the Women? Making Room for Women in Sikh Studies: A North American
History Conference, Twenty-ninth Session
Punjab, India
Militarism and the Sikh Tradition”
The South
Asian Colloquium of the Pacific Northwest (SACPAN)
University of British Columbia,
Militarism and the Sikh Tradition: An Historical Overview of Secondary
Université du Québec à Montreal,
Montréal, Québec, Canada
“Where are the Women?
Making Room for Women’s Voices in Sikh
EnGendering Voices: A South Asian Perspective Colloquium
The Centre
for South Asian Research and The Centre for Research in Women’s Studies
and Gender Relations
of British Columbia,
Issues in Sikh Studies: Hermeneutics of Affirmation or Hermeneutics of
Transmission of Sikh/Punjab Heritage to the Diaspora Conference
of Michigan,
Ann Arbor,
Family and the Process of Peacemaking”
and the Creation of World Peace Conference
of World’s Religions