

working papers:

(pdf copies can be downloaded from the Waterloo Economics Working Paper Series)

1. Water Innovation and Water Governance (with H. Li) - in progress, draft

  1. 2.Democratic Representation and the Provision of Public Goods (with T. Mergo and A-D Nimubona) - in progress, draft

  1. 3.Adaptation, Mitigation and Trade (with A-D. Nimubona) - in progress

  1. 4.Border Effects and the Intensity of Competition (with A. Sen and Z. Chen) - in progress

5. Sanctions, Aid and Corruption in Renewable Resource Extraction- in progress

published papers:

11. A Place-Based Socio-Economic Status Index: Measuring Social Vulnerability to Flood Hazards in the Context of Environmental Justice, with L. Chakraborty, D. Scott, D. Henstra and J. Thistletwaite

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (forthcoming).

  1. 10.Bulk Water Extraction Charge Calculator: a Tool for Sustainable Water Management in Ontario, with G. Sandhu, O. Weber and M. Wood

Canadian Water Resources Journal (forthcoming).

  1. 9.Adaptation to Climate Change and International Mitigation Agreements with Heterogeneous Countries, with H. Li, (wp version)

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6:3, 2019.

  1. 8.Border Effects Before and After 9/11: Panel Data Evidence Across Industries, with Z. Chen and A. Sen,

The World Economy, 39:10, 2016.

7. Renewable Resources, Pollution and Trade,

Review of International Economics, 24:2, 2016.

6. Green Technology Transfers and Border Tax Adjustments, with A-D Nimubona, 

Environmental and Resource Economics, 62:1, 2015.

5. Corruption, Conflict and the Management of Natural Resources,

Economics of Governance, 15:4, 2014.

4. Environmental Depletion, Governance and Conflict (appendix),

Southern Economic Journal, 78:4, 2012.

3. Transboundary Marine Resources and Trading Neighbours,

Environmental and Resource Economics, 53:2, 2012. 

2. The Effectiveness of the Canadian Antidumping Regime, with N. Malhotra,

Canadian Public Policy 35:2, 2009.

1. Antidumping Duties in the Agriculture Sector: Trade Restricting or Trade Deflecting?   with N. Malhotra and S. Kassam,

Global Economy Journal (B.E. Press) 8: 2, 2008.



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