This file is one of six making available supplementary material to the printed text of:

Mary Jackes, David Lubell & Christopher Meiklejohn/ Healthy but mortal: human biology and the first farmers of Western Europe
ANTIQUITY volume 71 number 273 (1997): 639-658.

The files are entitled:
Metric data
Non-metric data

A further file reproduces the full text as printed in the paper publication: Printed

Non-metric data

Formulae used in calculation of genetic distances

1)    Freeman Tukey transformation

        theta (θ)  =  (0.5*arcsin(1-(2*k)/(N+1)))+(0.5*arcsin((1-(2*k+1))/(N+1)))

    where k is the number of teeth showing the trait and N is the number of teeth observed

2)    Anscombe transformation

        theta (θ) = arcsin[1-(2*(k+0.375)/(N+0.75))]

3)    mean measure of divergence

        (MMD) = 1/r*Σ[(θ12)2-V]

    where r is the number of traits analyzed and

4)    V = (1/(N1+0.5))+(1/(N2+0.5))

5)    the variance of the MMD = 2/r2*Σ(V2)

6)    Z = √(2*S)-√((2*r)-1) where S = Σ[(θ12)2/V]

7)    degree of isolation

        DI = MMD-(σ*2)

    An MMD value that is more than twice its standard deviation, is significant at c. .05:  thus a positive DI value is significant.

NON-METRIC TABLE 1. Freeman Tukey transformation theta values used for Figure 9 in Jackes & Lubell (in press).

V1 talus, anterior facet double
V2 calcaneus, anterior middle facet double
V3 mandibular M2, four cusps only
V4 mandibular M1, ml/bd contact cusp; pattern.
V5 mandibular M2, ml/bd contact cusp pattern
V6 mandibular M3, ml/bd contact cusp pattern
V7 left humerus, septal aperture patent
V8 maxillary M1, positive Carabelli's trait
p = frequency of observation
n = total sample examined

p n theta
Moita do Sebastião
V1 5 20 0.497
V2 19 37 -0.026
V3 47 52 -0.915
V4 19 21 -0.886
V5 20 39 -0.025
V6 13 26 0.000
V7 5 25 0.616
V8 5 56 0.940
Cabeço da Arruda
V1 3 33 0.919
V2 21 38 -0.103
V3 50 50 -1.430
V4 17 19 -0.851
V5 22 35 -0.253
V6 19 29 -0.305
V7 10 33 0.393
V8 1 73 1.289
Casa da Moura
V1 8 181 1.135
V2 17 109 0.750
V3 18 32 -0.122
V4 8 10 -0.581
V5 8 17 0.056
V6 4 10 0.184
V7 3 34 0.929
V8 27 116 0.559
Melides (Zambujal)
V1 5 33 0.744
V2 14 38 0.259
V3 21 30 -0.398
V4 9 14 -0.271
V5 4 18 0.555
V6 7 14 0.000
V7 16 45 0.287
V8 2 11 0.627
V1 1 7 0.686
V2 11 26 0.149
V3 14 19 -0.468
V4 6 19 0.358
V5 3 14 0.565
V6 1 14 0.936
V7 6 14 0.134
V8 3 24 0.806
V1 2 97 1.252
V2 16 30 -0.065
V3 28 33 -0.744
V4 14 14 -1.310
V5 7 29 0.524
V6 1 14 0.936
V7 8 26 0.380
V8 2 10 0.581
V1 0 24 1.369
V2 3 11 0.432
V3 15 18 -0.685
V4 2 4 0.000
V5 6 15 0.189
V6 1 16 0.976
V7 4 13 0.366
V8 0 7 1.209

NON-METRIC TABLE 2. Freeman-Tukey transformation theta values used for PRINTED FIGURE 3a.
The data for Casa da Moura are from the 1989 analysis of dentitions still in place in bone, as are the data for Feteira.

V1 mandibular right M2, 4 cusps only.
V2 mandibular left M1 code 1, y pattern (ml meets db).
V3 mandibular left M2 code 1, +pattern.
V4 maxillary right M2, 3 cusps only.
V5 maxillary right M1, Carabelli's slight/pronounced tubercle (not pit).
V6 mandibular right M3 'X' pattern code 3.
V7 maxillary left M3, at least 4 cusps.
V8 maxillary right M3, positive Carabelli's trait.
p = frequency of observation.
n = total sample examined.

p n theta
Casa da Moura
V1 24 41 -0.167
V2 11 17 -0.282
V3 5 22 0.550
V4 12 35 0.311
V5 2 29 0.988
V6 11 26 0.149
V7 7 16 0.118
V8 0 10 1.265

V1 6 8 -0.464
V2 9 9 -1.249
V3 8 19 0.151
V4 1 7 0.686
V5 2 6 0.293
V6 1 2 0.000
V7 1 1 -0.785
V8 0 4 1.107

V1 8 8 -1.231
V2 0 1 0.785
V3 1 7 0.686
V4 3 6 0.000
V5 0 5 1.150
V6 6 8 -0.464
V7 2 3 -0.262
V8 0 3 1.047

Moita do Sebastião
V1 25 26 -1.101
V2 8 8 -1.231
V3 3 20 0.732
V4 7 18 0.212
V5 3 30 0.887
V6 7 14 0.000
V7 9 13 -0.366
V8 0 20 1.351

Cabeço da Arruda
V1 27 27 -1.381
V2 8 8 -1.231
V3 4 17 0.525
V4 10 21 0.046
V5 0 30 1.390
V6 3 12 0.482
V7 10 15 -0.319
V8 0 22 1.361

Melides (Zambujal)
V1 12 17 -0.400
V2 3 6 0.000
V3 5 9 -0.101
V4 0 6 1.183
V5 2 5 0.170
V6 4 8 0.000
V7 2 4 0.000
V8 0 4 1.107

V1 5 5 -1.150
V2 1 3 0.262
V3 2 4 0.000
V4 0 8 1.231
V5 0 7 1.209
V6 3 3 -1.047
V7 2 3 -0.262
V8 0 4 1.107

V1 10 30 0.329
V2 29 33 -0.827
V3 7 32 0.577
V4 0 53 1.434
V5 3 50 1.042
V6 11 25 0.116
V7 15 27 -0.107
V8 0 30 1.390

Glen Williams
V1 1 19 1.024
V2 35 40 -0.822
V3 4 15 0.454
V4 1 11 0.857
V5 0 29 1.387
V6 12 14 -0.733
V7 3 5 -0.170
V8 1 5 0.535

V1 7 36 0.637
V2 20 26 -0.546
V3 11 29 0.236
V4 5 34 0.756
V5 0 43 1.419
V6 17 18 -1.009
V7 7 10 -0.374
V8 0 11 1.278

NON-METRIC TABLE 3. Matrix used for PRINTED FIGURE 3a derived from MMD analysis of Freeman-Tukey transformation theta values;
above diagonal is DI, below diagonal is Z. Positive values above the diagonal are significantly different.

Casa da Moura Furninha Fontainhas Moita Arruda Melides Feteira Grimsby Glen Williams Maurice
Casa da Moura -.- -0.2878 -0.2617 0.0389 0.1431 -0.1550 -0.0322 0.0754 0.1582 0.1456
Furninha 1.1742 -.- -0.1729 -0.4500 -0.2543 -0.5131 -0.2923 -0.2550 -0.0927 -0.1056
Fontainhas 1.2788 1.4087 -.- -0.0986 -0.0156 -0.2642 -0.6384 0.3530 0.4026 0.1760
Moita 2.7433 0.4920 -0.0507 -.- -0.1714 0.1103 0.0677 0.2939 0.5272 0.4430
Arruda 4.5415 1.8705 0.7271 -0.0865 -.- 0.3244 0.2338 0.4800 0.7947 0.6969
Melides 0.9068 0.1393 1.7028 2.8890 4.3049 -.- -0.3863 -0.0458 0.1886 0.1386
Feteira 2.0776 1.3206 0.1454 2.0463 2.7833 0.3299 -.- 0.1507 0.2170 -0.0158
Grimsby 4.5429 1.7179 4.4390 6.3384 8.5248 2.0587 2.4994 -.- 0.0525 0.1175
Glen Williams 4.7254 3.0869 4.8877 7.6357 9.1749 4.5367 3.4412 2.6639 -.- -0.1742
Maurice 4.7841 2.7109 4.2724 7.9056 9.6291 3.8962 2.3647 4.0940 -0.2593 -.-

NON-METRIC TABLE 4. Anscombe transformation theta values used for PRINTED FIGURE 3b .
The data for Casa da Moura molars are from the 1989 analysis of dentitions still in place in bone.

V1 mandibular right M2, 4 cusps only.
V2 mandibular left M1, y pattern (ml meets db).
V3 mandibular left M2, + pattern.
V4 maxillary right M2, 3 cusps only.
V5 maxillary right M1, Carabelli's; slight/pronounced tubercle (not pit).
V6 maxillary left M2, positive Carabelli's trait.
V7 mandibular left P4, with more than 2 lingual cusps.
p = frequency of observation.
n = total sample examined.

p n theta
Casa da Moura
V1 24 41 -0.168
V2 11 17 -0.286
V3 5 22 0.556
V4 12 35 0.313
V5 2 29 0.998
V6 0 22 1.313
V7 4 91 1.131
Moita do Sebastião
V1 25 26 -1.113
V2 8 8 -1.154
V3 3 20 0.741
V4 7 18 0.215
V5 3 30 0.895
V6 2 27 0.977
V7 1 21 1.062
Cabeço da Arruda
V1 27 27 -1.338
V2 8 8 -1.154
V3 4 17 0.532
V4 10 21 0.046
V5 0 30 1.349
V6 0 37 1.371
V7 0 24 1.324
V1 10 30 0.331
V2 29 33 -0.834
V3 7 32 0.582
V4 0 53 1.404
V5 3 50 1.049
V6 0 45 1.389
V7 5 41 0.837
Glen Williams
V1 1 19 1.037
V2 35 40 -0.827
V3 4 15 0.461
V4 1 11 0.873
V5 0 29 1.346
V6 0 13 1.239
V7 0 39 1.376
V1 19 193 0.927
V2 196 221 -0.881
V3 107 193 -0.109
V4 10 321 1.210
V5 26 200 0.829
V6 0 209 1.486
V7 0 232 1.490

NON-METRIC TABLE 5. Matrix used for PRINTED FIGURE 3B derived from MMD analysis of Anscombe transformation theta values;
above diagonal is DI, below diagonal is Z. Positive values above the diagonal are significantly different.

Casa da Moura Moita Arruda Grimsby Glen Williams Kleinburg
Casa da Moura -.- 0.0694 0.1500 0.1355 0.1391 0.3429
Moita 2.8556 -.- -0.1522 0.3843 0.5803 0.7874
Arruda 4.2059 0.3356 -.- 0.5580 0.7053 0.9175
Grimsby 4.8618 6.7970 8.6130 -.- 0.0084 0.1312
Glen Williams 4.0312 7.4826 8.2650 2.1405 -.- -0.0074
Kleinburg 9.9025 13.0301 14.6276 5.5342 1.7432 -.-

Metric data


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