Stay in Touch
Neil Randall, 1/16/2001
All-in-one Web communication services consolidate your connection points into
an always-accessible account. When you’re in business, the last . . .
Power to the People
Neil Randall, 4/17/2001
From sharing music to sharing resources, peer-to-peer technologies may
revolutionize the way we compute. No matter which side of the music-sharing .
. .
Take Advantage of Online Databases
Neil Randall, 3/20/2001
Several free services let you harness the power of code-free online forms.
Whatever the size or the purpose of your Internet venture, gathering . . .
Dual Booting
Neil Randall, 11/20/2000
Installing Windows and Linux on a single machine is much easier than it used
to be, but it's not quite a no-brainer yet. Linux is hot. Very hot. And . . .
Produce Online Newsletters in Publisher
Neil Randall, 11/7/2000
Microsoft Publisher 2000 improves communication with your customers or
employees by turning newsletters into Web sites. One large part of e-business
. . .
Web Serving with Win 2000 Professional
Neil Randall, 10/17/2000
If your Web server needs are modest, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional may
do the trick. What if you want to set up a peer-to-peer TCP/IP network, . . .
Understanding FrontPage Server Extensions
Neil Randall, 2/20/2001
To make the most of your Microsoft FrontPage-based Web site, you need to take
advantage of the FrontPage Server Extensions. Microsoft FrontPage goes . . .
Writing Multiple Sessions to CD-RW Disks
Neil Randall, 9/19/2000
Some potentially confusing options may slow the way to one of CD-RW’s most
alluring capabilities. CD-R and CD-RW are the only real choices for . . .
Manage Your Passwords
Neil Randall, 12/19/2000
Keep track of passwords without compromising security. As an Internet user,
you quickly learn that passwords multiply. You start with just one, then . .
Boot Menu Management
Neil Randall, 5/8/2001
After working with Windows 98 for a while, I installed Windows NT Workstation
4.0, which created the handy dual boot menu to let me decide which . . .
Where to Host FrontPage
Neil Randall, 1/2/2001
I'm shopping for hosting services that offer FrontPage Server Extensions. Some
services ask me to specify whether I want my site to be served on a . . .
Choosing a Domain Name Registrar
Neil Randall, 1/16/2001
There are plenty of options for recording your Internet identity. Here's what
to look for. If you're establishing yourself on the Internet, not only . . .
Saving Your View
Neil Randall, 1/16/2001
Every time I work with a folder, I have to go into the View menu and set up
the display format I prefer. Can I have my folders use this view . . .
Neil Randall, 3/20/2001
As this article was about to go to press, Quicken publisher Intuit entered
the online database service market with QuickBase. As this article was . . .
Finding Aliens and Wiping Out Cancer
Neil Randall, 4/17/2001
As compelling as P2P's current applications might be, some observers find its
close cousin, distributed computing, even more promising. This . . .
Friendly URLs
Neil Randall, 12/5/2000
Links that display in IE's status bar are often too long and look like
gibberish. Is there any way to make the URLs more readable?Suzanne
Ethertonvia . . .
Intrusion Detection Systems: Who's in
Neil Randall, 12/5/2000
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) detect network intruders and perform other
important tasks. IDSs can track a user's activity from entry to exit, . . .
WebTrends Security Analyzer 3.5
Neil Randall, 12/5/2000
Scanning inside your network for vulnerabilities and security threats is
every bit as important as guarding the outside perimeter with a firewall. We
. . .
Freeware Port Scanners: Plug the Holes
Neil Randall, 12/5/2000
Most of us are used to referring to ports as the physical connections on a
computer, such as the printer port, USB port, keyboard port, and so on. . . .
Neil Randall, 11/7/2000
Over the course of a few months, I've become so used to Internet Explorer 5's
AutoComplete feature that I can barely work without it anymore. My . . .
Password-Protect FrontPage Sites
Neil Randall, 6/18/2001
How can I password-protect only certain portions of a FrontPage 2000 web?
Specifically, how do I password-protect the discussion group on my Web site .
. .
Telnet 2000 Missing Features
Neil Randall, 2/6/2001
I've been using the telnet application in Windows 95, 98, and NT 4.0 to log
on to my Unix account for quite some time. I recently switched to Windows . .
Reverse the Boot-Up Slowdown
Neil Randall, 2/6/2001
I am running Windows 98 SE on a computer with a Pentium III/550 processor.
Everything works fine, but the system seems to take longer and longer to . .
When Windows Won't Install Another Modem
Neil Randall, 10/3/2000
I tried to install a new modem on my Windows 98 system the other day but I
was told that my system would only handle six instances of TCP/IP. What . . .
Control IE Updates
Neil Randall, 10/3/2000
Windows Update lets me upgrade my Internet Explorer 5 installation to IE 5.5,
but I'd like more control over the process. Is there any place on the . . .
Mouse-Over Error Message
Neil Randall, 7/1/2001
Internet Explorer malfunctions sometimes when I move my mouse over a
clickable menu. I get an error message asking me if I want to debug. I don't.
I . . .
Supported Platforms
Neil Randall, 2/20/2001
The FrontPage Server Extensions 2000 package is available for most of the
popular server software on the Web. Not surprisingly, the extensions . . .
Hop-Off Services: IP Meets Analog
Neil Randall, 10/3/2000
Hop-off services are named for their ability to take voice packets off the
Internet and put them onto the regular phone system, allowing . . .
Missing Network
Neil Randall, 8/1/2000
My Windows 98 machine often can't find the network at boot-up. I'm using a
USB network adapter, and I'm wondering if that's part of the problem.James .
. .
Embedding Files in E-Mail
Neil Randall, 8/1/2000
I often send Word and Excel files as e-mail attachments. Recently, some of my
correspondents have asked me not to do so, usually because of virus . . .
Bad Timing
Neil Randall, 12/19/2000
Two of my friends regularly send me e-mail from a university across the country.
Recently their messages have arrived showing times that are several . . .
Passwords in Microsoft Office
Neil Randall, 12/19/2000
You already know you can protect your Microsoft Office files with passwords.
Using the Save As dialog, you can add a password to Word, Excel, and . . .
Format a Company Screen Saver
Neil Randall, 12/19/2000
Here's a tip that's sure to impress your boss and coworkers. First, obtain a
bitmap image of your company logo from a scanner, the Web—even fax . . .
Put the New Menu On a Diet
Neil Randall, 12/19/2000
When I right-click a folder and move the mouse down the pop-up menu to New,
my system takes an extremely long time to open the list of possible new . . .
Finishing Touches
Neil Randall, 2/20/2001
The Web is crowded and intensely competitive. Unless you stand out, you can
easily get lost in the shuffle. We evaluate services that can make your . . .
Neil Randall, 2/20/2001
Syndicated content freshens up a site and keeps visitors informed at the same
time. One of the oldest axioms in Web design is "Make it new."
That's . . .
Neil Randall, 2/20/2001
Adding an affiliate program links site content to product sales—and can
fatten your bottom line. Most of the finishing touches we've discussed . . .
Instant Intranet
Neil Randall, 8/1/2001
Microsoft Office XP's SharePoint Team Services let workgroups collaborate
with efficiency and ease. Collaboration tools are crucial when a team . . .
Preserve Your Image
Neil Randall, 9/4/2001
Disk-cloning software goes beyond backup and gives you an exact image of your
hard drive—perfect for crash recovery and rapid system deployment . . .
Edit Frontpage Components
Neil Randall, 10/16/2001
FrontPage 2002's Web components feature can add value to your site, but it
can also drive visitors off your page and onto Microsoft's. A quick HTML . .
Help Is on the Way
Neil Randall, 11/27/2001
Wouldn't it be nice if the tech-support guy could sit next to you and give
you hands-on help? Windows XP's Remote Assistance feature lets experts . . .
Integrating Buttons and Labels in
Neil Randall, 12/11/2001
It's more convenient if users can click on a button's label rather than the
button itself. Here's how to make the labels clickable. In Microsoft . . .
File Uploads in FrontPage
Neil Randall, 1/15/2002
Even without an FTP server, you can let visitors upload files to your site
anonymously using FrontPage's form features. Our users have requested that .
. .
To Sum Up...
Neil Randall, 1/29/2002
I frequently write reports for my department, and in almost all cases, I get
asked for short summaries of the reports for distribution among workers . . .
Dual-Boot Outlook Headache
Neil Randall, 1/29/2002
I have a computer that can boot Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Professional.
Office 2000 is installed separately on both operating systems. Recently, . .
Unhelpful Suggestions
Neil Randall, 1/29/2002
How can I stop Outlook from automatically filling in the e-mail address when
I start typing the name of a contact in the To: field? Morton . . .
Cable Modem Slowdown
Neil Randall, 10/16/2001
I have a high-speed Internet account with a cable company, and I'm satisfied
with the connection speed—most of the time. But sometimes the . . .
Attach a Cable Modem to an Ethernet Hub
Neil Randall, 8/1/2000
I have an Ethernet LAN consisting of five computers hooked together through
an eight-port hub. I just subscribed to a cable modem service that I . . .
Restricting Relayed E-Mail
Neil Randall, 2/12/2002
My server system uses Ipswitch's IMail Server for e-mail services. Lately,
though, I've had to reboot the system almost every morning, with Windows . .
Managing IE Links
Neil Randall, 2/12/2002
Is there any way to control the items found on Internet Explorer's Links bar?
Maryanne Zagat Yes. Think of IE's Links bar as a place for your most . . .
Safe Shopping
Neil Randall, 2/12/2002
Follow common-sense procedures to make using your credit card online more
secure. Do you love the convenience of online shopping but worry about who .
. .
Closing Windows
Neil Randall, 2/12/2002
How can I solve the problem of browser windows popping up in rapid succession
no matter how quickly I try to close them? Fighting these things is . .