“The Shifting
Focalization and the Strategy of Delay,” Canadian
Literature (Summer, 1991).
Persuasion: Considerations of Ethos in the Design of the Push-Button
Interface,” Canadian Journal of
Rhetorical Studies, 1:1, Summer 1991.
and Intertext: What the Crow Said
and The Studhorse Man,” Studies in Canadian
Literature, 14:1:85-98, 1989.
Literariness in Interactive Fiction,” Computers
and the Humanities, 22 (1988): 183-91.
“The Makeshift
Family in Canadian Fantastic Fiction,” The New Quarterly, Spring
“Shoeless Joe: Fantasy and
Fellow-Feeling,” Modern Fiction
Studies, 33:1:173-82, Spring 1987.
“Laughing at
the Victim: Humour in St. Urbain’s
Horseman,” Thalia, 2:4:37-45,
Spring 1982
Recent Conference Papers
“(Mis)leading Information: The Role of Corporate
Web Sites in the Discourse of Computer Technology”. [with Isabel
Pedersen]. Texas Tech University Comparative Literature Symposium 1998.
“Metaphors of
the Physical: Why the Internet Coheres”. [with Isabel Pedersen]. Internet Research 2000.
“The Neglected
Senses in the Metaphors of Software Interfaces”. [with Isabel Pedersen].
National Communication Association 1998
“Who Exactly
is Trying to Help Us? The Ethos of Help Systems in Popular Computer
Applications”. [with Isabel Pedersen]. ACM SIGDOC 1998
“The Role of
Ethos in Internet-based University Courses” [with Isabel Pedersen].,
Computers and Writing Conference 1998.