© 2002 Neil Randall |
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I. Personal
Address: Department
of English,
Information: 519-885-1211
ext 3397 (office phone)
nrandall@uwaterloo.ca (Internet)
(America Online)
(Microsoft Network
II. Education
field: Canadian Literature
Field: Eighteenth-Century Literature.
III. Employment (at
1990- : Associate
Professor, Department of English
1988-91: Director, Centre for Professional Writing
1985-89: Assistant Professor, Department of
IV. Employment (other than at
1980-85: Teaching
assistantships and course instructorships at York University,
1979-81: Systems Analyst, Kingsway Transports,
1977-79: At
1973-76: Operations Supervisor, Kingsway
1972-73: Teacher,
V. Other Relevant Biographical Information
1. Centre
for Professional Writing
1989: Established Corporate Partnership with
1989: Established Corporate Partnership with
Bell-Northern Research and Northern Telecom ($150,000)
1988: [with Margaret Sanderson]: Facilitator of
Technical Writing workshop
1987: [with Peter Saunders]: Facilitator of Writing
for the Medical Professional workshop
2. Research
1989: University Research Incentive Fund, with
Educational Software Products,
1987: Employment and Immigration: Desktop
Publishing for English 210C ($1827)
1986: [with G. Slethaug]:
SSHRC, Conference on British Modernism
1986: Dean of Arts, University of
3. Awards
1983-5: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
1978: A.M. Ross Prize in English,
University of
1978: Alma Mater Scholarship,
I. Books
Edition Using Microsoft FrontPage
2002. Que
Books (Macmillan), 2001 (5th edition). [with Dennis Jones]
Soul of the Internet
(International Thomson Publishing), 1997.
Multicasting Tomorrow’s Internet.
IDG Books, 1996. [With Kevin Savetz and Yves Lepage]
to Netscape Navigator Gold.
ZD Press (Macmillan), 1996.
HTML. Que Books (Macmillan), 1995. [Lead author with three
Internet. Sams Publishing (Macmillan), 1995. [With Celine Latulipe]
World Wide Web Unleashed,
2nd Edition. Sams Publishing (Macmillan),
1995. [With John December].
Yourself the Internet: Around the World in 21 Days, 2nd Edition. Sams Publishing (Macmillan), 1995.
II. Magazine Articles (selected)
Currently writing for PC Magazine (New York), as Contributing
Editor; Computer Shopper (New York); CNET Online (San Francisco); Connected Home Magazine (New York); Smart Computing (Texas)
“Control Outlook with Filters and Rules,”
PC Magazine, forthcoming March 2002.
“How Credit Card Transactions Work,” PC Magazine, February 2002.
“Should You Upgrade to Windows XP?” Smart Computing, forthcoming March 2002.
“Switching Users in XP Home Edition,” Connected Home Magazine, forthcoming
March 2002.
“Setting up a Remote Video Feed,” Connected Home Magazine, February 2002.
“Help is on the Way: Remote Assistance in
Windows XP, PC Magazine, November
“Editing FrontPage Components,” PC Magazine, October 2001.
“Choosing a Domain Name Registrar,” PC Magazine, June 2001.
“Boot Menu Management,” PC Magazine, May 2001.
“Power to the People: The Rise of P2P,” PC Magazine, April 2001.
“Take Advantage of Online Databases,” PC Magazine, March 2001.
“Dual Booting,” PC Magazine, February 2001.
“Content Management Solutions,” PC Magazine, January 2001.
“Stay in Touch,” PC Magazine, January 2001.
“Help for Your Small Business,” PC Magazine, November 2000
“Linux for Windows Users,” PC Magazine, March 2000.
“Design Web Pages with Office 2000
Applications,” PC Magazine, March
“What to Look for in Your New Computer’s
BIOS,” PC Magazine, February 2000.
“Rescue Your System,” PC Magazine, February 2000.
“Break the CPU Speed Limit,” PC Magazine, February 2000.
“Back Up or Fix Outlook Data Files,” PC Magazine, January 2000.
“Web Databases in FrontPage 2000,” PC Magazine, January 2000.
“Collaboration in Office 2000,” PC Magazine, December 1999.
“Building Your Store on the Web,” PC Magazine, November 1999.
“Editing Microsoft FrontPage Themes,” PC Magazine, November 1999.
“Virtual Desktop Services,” PC Magazine, November 1999.
“Living with Linux,” PC Magazine, November 1999.
“The Name Game,” PC Magazine, November 1999.
“Internet E-Mail Settings in Outlook,” PC Magazine, October 1999.
“Customizing the Taskbar,” PC Magazine, October 1999.
“Resolving Device Conflicts,” PC Magazine, October 1999.
“Using Multiple Monitors,” PC Magazine, September 1999.
“Are You Safe Online?” PC Magazine, September 1999.
“Share a Net Connection,” PC Magazine, September 1999.
“Make IE5 Your Own,” PC Magazine, June 1999.
“A Serial Bus on Speed,” PC Magazine, May 1999.
“Biometric Basics,” PC Magazine, April 1999.
“XSL: How Stylish Can You Get?” PC Magazine, April 1999.
“How Viruses Work,” PC Magazine, February 1999.
“Palm Computing: So Much for So Little,” PC Magazine, January 1999.
“Internet Apps in Win98/NT4,” PC Magazine, January 1999.
“Inside Input Devices,” PC Magazine, January 1999.
“Hard Disk Troubles,” PC Magazine, December 1998.
“Liquid Crystal Displays,” PC Magazine, December 1998.
“E-Mail Headers, Even the Ugly Ones,” PC Magazine, November 1998.
“Usability Gaffes,” PC Magazine, October 1998.
“Making Software Easier through Usability
Testing,” PC Magazine, October 1998.
“PC 98: More Powerful and Friendlier
Hardware,” PC Magazine, September
“Maintaining Your Windows 98 System,” PC Magazine, September 1998.
“The State of
“What is an Operating System?” PC Magazine, July 1998.
“Dissecting the Heart of Your Computer, PC Magazine, June 1998.
“IMAP: E-Mail for People on the Go,” PC Magazine, May 1998.
“SCSI Just Keeps on Rolling,” PC Magazine, March 1998.
“Upgrade to Windows 98 … Before Microsoft
Does,” PC Magazine, March 1998.
“Diagnose and Repair Your Web Site,” PC Magazine, February 1998.
“The ABCs of Windows 98 Networks,” PC Magazine, February 1998.
“A Guide to DirectX,” PC Magazine, February 1998.
“Web Markup Matures with HTML 4.0,” PC Magazine, November 1997.
“Who Goes There?” PC Magazine, October 1997.
“The Making of Web Soap Operas,” commissioned
by The Globe and Mail (forthcoming,
November 1996).
“Online Schmoozing,” commissioned by The Globe and Mail (forthcoming,
December 1996).
“What Happens When You Install a Windows
95 Program,” PC Magazine, February
“LDAP Directory Services,” PC Magazine, January 1997.
“What Happens When You Click: How HTTP
Works,” PC Magazine, December 1996.
“How a DNS Server Works,” PC Magazine, November 1996.
“Guide to Free Email Services, PC Magazine, October 1996.
“The Web in ’96,” PC/Computing, September 1996 (forthcoming).
“Beyond the Web,” PC/Computing. June, 1996.
“The Guide to the World Wide Web
Underground,” PC/Computing, December
“Map of the Online Services,” PC/Computing, November 1995.
Several trends articles, PC Magazine, throughout 1995.
“Setting up a Web Server,” PC/Computing, September 1995.
“Hooking your LAN to the Internet,” PC/Computing, August 1995.
“Internet Search Engines,” PC/Computing,
August 1995.
“Do it Online,” PC/Computing (lead feature), March 1995.
“Fax at Their Fingertips,” Canadian Computer Reseller, March 1995.
“The World Wide Web Roadmap,” PC/Computing, March 1995.
“Secret Weapons,” PC/Computing, February 1995.
“Hands-on Mosaic,” PC/Computing, February 1995.
“Roll Out Whatever Comes Next,” PC/Computing. December 1994.
“The Internet Road Map,” PC/Computing, September 1994.
“Windows on the E-World,” Internet World, September 1994.
Over two dozen features
and many reviews in Computer
Entertainment News and (
Over two dozen features
and many reviews in CD-ROM Today
magazine (
“Open Systems in the Federal Government,”
HUM Magazine, February 1994.
“An Introduction to Client-Server
Architecture,” Computing
“Doing it in Style: A
Guide to Style Sheets in Windows Word Processors,” Windows Magazine, August 1993.
“A Review of Grammar Checkers,” Windows Magazine, March 1993.
“The World Through a Wire:
Telecommunications Services for Personal Computers,” Compute!, May 1989.
“Writing Tools: Beyond the Word
Processor,” Windows Magazine, January
Over 500 software reviews for CD-ROM Today, PC Entertainment, Windows,
The Globe and Mail, Compute!, AmigaWorld, and Signal Research
1992-1993: Bi-weekly columnist on computer issues
for The Globe and Mail (seven columns
1988-1990: Monthly columnist for GamePlayers
(Signal Research Inc.,
1987-1988: Monthly columnist for Compute!
I. Computer Publications
The computer books and magazines listed
above represent my current research into interface design and critique,
multimedia design, and computer-mediated communication. Recent conference
papers support this activity.
II. Other Scholarship
“The Shifting Focalization and the Strategy
of Delay,” Canadian Literature
(Autumn, 1991).
“Tactile Persuasion: Considerations of
Ethos in the Design of the Push-Button Interface,” Canadian Journal of Rhetorical Studies, 1:1, Summer 1991.
“Carnival and Intertext:
What the Crow Said and The Studhorse Man,” Studies in Canadian Literature, 14:1:85-98, 1989.
“Determining Literariness in Interactive
Fiction,” Computers and the Humanities,
22 (1988): 183-91.
“The Makeshift Family in Canadian
Fantastic Fiction,” The New Quarterly,
Spring 1989.
Joe: Fantasy and Fellow-Feeling,” Modern
Fiction Studies, 33:1:173-82, Spring 1987.
“Laughing at the Victim: Humour in St. Urbain’s Horseman,” Thalia, 2:4:37-45, Spring 1982.
III. Conference Papers
“Metaphors of the Physical: Why the Internet
Coheres”. [with Isabel Pedersen]. Internet Research 1.0: The State of the Interdiscipline. The First Conference of
the Association of Internet Researchers.
“The Neglected Senses
in the Metaphors of Software Interfaces”.
Isabel Pedersen]. National Communication Association 1998 Convention, in
“Who Exactly is Trying to Help Us? The Ethos of
Help Systems in Popular Computer Applications”. [with Isabel Pedersen]. Scaling
The Heights: The Future of Information Technology, ACM SIGDOC 1998 Conference,
“The Role of
Ethos in Internet-based University Courses” [with Isabel Pedersen]., 14th
Computers and Writing Conference, Thursday, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, May 28 - May 31, 1998.
“(Mis)leading Information: The Role of Corporate Web Sites in the
Discourse of Computer Technology”. [with Isabel
Pedersen]. Webs of Discourse: The Intertextuality of Science Studies. 31st
“Tactile Persuasion: Considerations of Ethos in the Design of the
Push-Button Interface,” CUCSR Conference on the Interdisciplinarity
of Rhetoric.
“Computer Interface as
Speech Act,” 8th International Conference on Cybernetics and Systems.
“A Barthesian
Interpretation of Robert Kroetsch’s Humour,” ACLALS conference,
“Transplanting Legends:
Mark Twain and Robert Kroetsch,” Conference on
American Comedy,
“The Neverending
Non-Story: Narratology and Role-Playing Games,”
Popular Culture Conference,
“Determining Literariness in Interactive
Fiction,” Popular Culture conference,
“The Makeshift Family
in Canadian Fantastic Fiction,” Family Fictions in Canadian Literature
“Comprehensibility in Game Rules,”
Canadian Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, Learned Societies,
I. Books
Haven [with Bill Fawcett] (novel). Accepted by Tor
of Cragsclaw
[with Bill Fawcett] (novel).
A Visual Guide to Castle Amber [with Roger Zelazny]
Storm of Dust. (interactive novel).
Seven No-Trump. (interactive novel).
II. Game Books
of Myth and Legend.
Only Live Twice.
Dr. No.
I. Undergraduate Courses
108H – Alienation and Isolation
109 – Introduction to Academic Writing
208A – Forms of Fantasy
210C – Report Writing
210E – Technical Writing
251A – The Practice and Theory of Criticism 1
251B – The Practice and Theory of Criticism 2
292 – Contemporary Issues in Rhetoric
and Professional Writing
309A – Ancient Rhetorical Theory
309C – Comtemporary Rhetorical Theory
309D – Elements of Style
314 – Canadian Poetry since 1920
315 – Canadian Prose since 1920
365 – Interactive Fiction
408B – The Discourse of Advertising
408C – Web Design
409 – Writing for Special Purposes
II. Graduate Courses
700B – Issues and Research in Professional Writing
770A – Contemporary Canadian Poetry
770F – The Fantastic in Canadian Fiction
791A – Professional Writing
791H – The Rhetoric of Advertising
791M – Designing and Composing the Multimedia Document
791X – Rhetorics of the Millennium
791R – Narrative and the World Wide Web
793H – Rhetorics of the Popular: Writing for
794E – The Language of the Computer Interface
794F – The Rhetoric of Technology
794X – The Metaphors of Computing
794(1) – Critiquing User Interfaces
III. Graduate Supervision
Supervisor, Ph.D. thesis (in
preparation): I. Pedersen, “The Design of Augmented Reality Interfaces.”
Supervisor, Ph.D. thesis (successfully
defended 1998): T. Carnegie, “A Rhetorical Analysis of Feminist Critics of
Canadian Literature.”
Supervisor of several M.A. Major
Projects, including 6 for Bell-Northern Research graduate students.
Supervisor, M.A. thesis: L. Middleton, “The Interdependency of Myth
and Magic in The Fionavar
Supervisor, M.A. thesis: K. Reid, “The Structure of the Narrative of The Lord of the Rings.
Supervisor, M.A. thesis: A. Knight, “The Types of Fantasy.”
Supervisor, M.A. thesis: B. Jost, M.A.
thesis: “The Progression of the Poetry
of Phyllis Webb.”
Supervisor, Major Project: D. Maskens: “Integrating Writing With Software Development”
Supervisor, Major Project: D. Aggett: “Hypertext: Its Development and its Applications.”
Supervisor, Major Project: C. Clarke,
“Quality in User Documentation.”
Reader, several M.A. theses and major
Graduate Officer, Departmental (current)
Computing Officer Departmental (current)
Co-op Officer, Department of English
University Committee on the Print
Journalism Option (1994-1999)
Arts Faculty Representative on
Engineering Faculty Committee (1993-current)
Undergraduate Studies Committee
Tenure and Promotion Committee
Scholarship Committee (1994-current)
Library Committee (Chair)
Conference Committee
Main author of proposal for the Centre
for Professional Writing
Lecture Committee
Organizer of Protest in British Modernism conference (1986)