Fall 2001
Instructor: Neil Randall
HH 224, ext 3397
Office times: Tuesday
Class times: 292: Tuesday
408B: Tuesday
Required Texts:
1. Kress, Gunther and Theo van Leeuwen. Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. Routledge, 1996 (ISBN 0415106001).
2. Parker, Roger C. Looking Good in Print. 4th ed. Coriolis Group, 1998 (ISBN 1566048567).
Recommended Text
Fowler, H. Ramsay, et al. The Little, Brown Handbook. 3rd Canadian edition.
Sept 12: Introductions
Sept 19: Rhetorical theory and print advertising
Sept 26: Social semiotic theory and print advertising
Oct 3: Stillar chpt 1; print advertising analysis and redesign
Oct 10: Stillar chpt 2; print advertising redesign
Oct 17: Stillar chpt 2 (cont.); Parker chpt 7-8; television advertising intro
Oct 24: Stillar chpt 3; television
advertising analysis
Oct 31: Stillar chpt 3 (cont).; television advertising analysis – Assignment #1 due (40%)
Nov 7: Stillar chpt 4; radio advertising
Nov 14: Stillar chpt 4 (cont.); Web advertising
Nov 21: Stillar (all): Designing Web advertising – Assignment #2 due (40%)
Nov 28: Group
presentations on Web advertising (20%)
Each assignment is worth one-third of your final grade. Each will be given a mark out of 100;
at the end of the course the three grades will be added together and then
divided by three to arrive at the final numeric grade.
40% - Comparative critique of print advertisements - due Oct 31
2500-word essay comparing two print ad campaigns from two
competing companies or two organizations with differing viewpoints. Apply
theory drawn from Stillar (chpt
1-3) as well as from your existing background in theories of rhetoric and
40% - Rhetorical/semiotic analysis of television advertisement – due Nov 21
2000-word essay analyzing one television advertisement, drawing theory from the whole of the Stillar text, supplemented by at least four readings from academic journals that deal with advertising in
the context of the theories outlined in Stillar.
20% - Group presentation on designing Web advertisements – held in class Nov 28
Each group will design a Web advertisement and present it,
complete with rhetorical/semiotic justification, to the rest of the class on
November 28.