Patricia C. O'Brien |
I am interested in
in capital markets, including preparation and interpretation of
financial disclosures, the effects of disclosure on capital markets,
and the role of financial analysts as information intermediaries. Here is a copy of my current c.v., and below are links to
some of my unpublished working papers (all pdf format). McNichols
& O'Brien (2001) "Inertia
and Discreteness: Issues in Modeling Analyst Coverage" O'Brien & Tian (2005) "Financial Analysts' Role in the 1996-2000 Internet Bubble"
McNichols, O'Brien & Pamukcu (2007) “Unaffiliated Analysts’
Performance for IPO Firms” AFM491: Advanced
Accounting - Fall
2006 syllabus. Acc608: US GAAP - Spring 2004 syllabus. Acc609: Financial
Statement Analysis - Winter 2004
syllabus. Acc701: PhD Seminar
Empirical/Archival Research - Winter 2009 syllabus.
Acc781: Introduction
Research - Fall
2009 syllabus. Patricia C. O'Brien tel: +1-519-888-4567,
35423 |