Method of Evaluation:


Grammar quizzes: 8 of 10: 2% each for 16%

Short in-class responses: 1% each for 9%

Article (1000 words): 15% (first full draft due Oct 19)

Essay #1 (1000 words): 20% (first full draft due Nov 9)

Essay #2 (1500 words): 30% (first full draft due Nov 30)

Participation: 10%

Portfolio: includes short responses and final drafts of your article and essay #1 (due Dec 5)

Essay #2 final draft (due Dec 7)


Quizzes (2% each for a total of 16%) – each Monday

á      A short quiz on the basics of grammar and style will be administered at the beginning of each Monday class.

á      There are 10 quizzes in total.

á      There are no make-up quizzes.

á      The two lowest marks on the quizzes will be dropped from your final mark.


Short in-class responses (1% each for a total of 9%) – each Monday

á      I will give a writing prompt in each class.

á      Your response to the prompt should reflect your reading for the class.

á      No other preparation is necessary.

á      Your responses will be assessed on the basis of thoughtfulness and engagement with the readings.

á      It is possible to write a response and still earn a zero. Your response must reveal your engagement with the readings for the class in order to earn points.

á      You may improve your responses for your final portfolio submission. If you miss a response, you may get the prompt from a classmate and submit your response with your final portfolio. If you earn a zero on a response, you may submit a revised version with your final portfolio. The maximum number of points available for a missed or revised response submitted with your portfolio is .5% each.

á      Responses are open-book, but time-limited.

á      You must bring, to each class, loose-leaf paper and a pen or pencil.


Article (1000 words): 15% (first full draft due; final draft due)


Essay #1 (1000 words): 20% (first full draft due; final draft due)


Essay #2 (1500 words): 30% (first full draft due; final draft due)

á      All essays must be typed, double-spaced, have 1 ¼ inch margins, use 12pt Times New Roman font, include citations in MLA format, and meet the minimum word counts outlined above.

á      You are welcome and encouraged to come and speak to me about your paper topics in advance. In addition to my office hours, I am always available by appointment. You can make an appointment by phone, email, or in person after class. While I do my best to see students at times that are convenient for them, I cannot always make time at the last minute for appointments. If you want to be guaranteed a meeting outside my office hours, you must contact me at least one week in advance. Otherwise, I will do my utmost to fit you in, but I cannot guarantee you an appointment.

á      Late papers will be penalized at the rate of 2% per working day.

á      Late essays should be submitted to the English Department office. The essays must be put in the department drop-box (HH 2016E, beside HH 228). Essays will be stamped by department staff. If your essay is lost because you did not ensure that either the drop-box or a department staff member received it, you will be held responsible for that loss.

á      Please keep a copy of your work. In the case of a lost essay, I will require another copy.

á      Emailed or other electronic submissions will not be accepted.

á      A doctorÕs note or a note from your registrar is required to avoid a late penalty. The note must document a serious illness or other serious crisis during the period immediately before and on the due date of the essay.


Participation (10%)

á      Active, informed participation is essential to your individual success in this course, as well as to the success of the course as a whole.

á      Marks are not given for attendance. Your participation mark will be assessed on the basis of consistent, active, and respectful participation in class.


Portfolio (final portfolio except essay #2 due Dec 5)

á      Your portfolio includes your 9 short responses and the final drafts of your article and your first essay.

á      Your first submitted drafts will be returned to you with a temporary letter grade and comments designed to help you revise your work. These marks may be revised after your portfolio submission.

á      Your portfolio contains your revised work. The marks for these final drafts will be counted toward your final mark in the course.


Essay #2 (final draft due Dec 7)

á      The final version of your second essay is due after the rest of your portfolio in order to help you focus on your revisions.