Disorderly Conduct


About the conference

The conference, “Disorderly Conduct” will bring together scholars from around the world and from such disciplines as sociology, philosophy, health studies, history, women's studies, and medicine to explore and problematize the notion of a “disorder”.  The conference seeks to bring front-line medical and mental health personnel who treat various “disorders” together with humanities, social science and health and disability studies scholars who work (in one way or another) on theoretical questions related both to specific “disorders” and to the notion of a disorder simpliciter. In workshops and symposia, conference participants will engage questions like the following:  What, if any, are the downsides of being diagnosed with a disorder?  Does the concept of a disorder provide treatment advantages or disadvantages?  Are there other advantanges or disadvantages that it incurs – besides those related to the treatment itself – for those diagnosed with a disorder?  Can we reasonably expect to avoid problems of stigmatization and marginalization by turning to a medicalized language of disorder to apprehend and explain embodied difference?

July 24-26, 2009. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

The organizers of Disorderly Conduct gratefully acknowledge funding support from the following:


From Wilfrid Laurier University:

Department of Sociology                       

Sociology Graduate Program    

CAST M.A. Program

Graduate/Research Grants Program

NEW!  Travel Claim Form (due August 15, 2009)

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