Kolodner, J. (1993). Case-based reasoning. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann. [more info] [buy book]

Case-based reasoning is the fastest growing area in the field of
knowledge based systems, and this book, authored by a leader in
the field, is the first comprehensive text to appear. The book will
make an excellent text at the undergraduate or graduate level for
courses and tutorials on case-based reasoning. It is also a useful
resource for computer professionals and cognitive scientists.

Book News, Inc., 04/01/94:
Case-based reasoning systems store information about situations in
their memory. As new problems arise, similar situations are
searched to help solve them. The author places special emphasis on
applying case-based reasoning to complex real-world problem-
solving tasks such as medical diagnosis, design, conflict resolution,
and planning. The approach combines cognitive science and
engineering, and is based on analysis of both expert and common-
sense tasks. Guidelines for building case-based expert systems are
provided. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

Table of Contents:
1 What is Case-Based Reasoning?
2 Case Studies of Several Case-Based Reasoners
3 Reasoning Using Cases
4 The Cognitive Model
5 Representing Cases
6 Indexing Vocabulary
7 Methods for Index Selection
8 Organizational Structures and Retrieval Algorithms
9 Matching and Ranking Cases
10 Indexing and Retrieval
11 Adaptation Methods and Strategies
12 Controlling Adaptation
13 Using Cases for Interpretation and Evaluation
14 Using Cases: Some Additional Issues
15 Building a Case-Based Reasoner
16 Conclusions, Opportunities, Challenges

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