Introductory Theatre Studies as Praxis is a project to revitalize our first-year theatre curriculum at Waterloo. Over four iterations, DRAMA 101A: Introduction to Theatre 1 has evolved from a lecture-survey to a discussion environment in which students experience and analyze theatre from a range of time periods and traditions in live and recorded media. Its outcomes-based design now explicitly addresses foundational academic writing, research, integrity and critical thinking. The method of instruction emphasizes the instructor modelling the skills that students are developing. In 2012, we will offer a fully online section of the course. A new version of DRAMA 101B: Introduction to Theatre 2 (Making Theatre) is also in development.
Presentations and Publications
Single author. “Modeling Meaning-Making in Introductory Theatre Studies: Auto-ethnography as Explicit Instruction.” Theatre Topics 22.1 (March 2012): 73-87.
Teaching Resources
Drama 101A Course Outline
Drama 101B Course Outline
Online Research Skills Tutorials for Drama Students
E-portfolio Templates for Response Essay Assignment and Documentation Exercise
Conference Presentations and Guest Lectures
Single author. “Using e-Portfolios to support critical thinking and academic research and integrity in Drama 101A.” Introducing D2L/LEARN’s Integrated E-portfolio. Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. 16 December 2011.
Co-author (with Katherine Lithgow). “Jennifer Roberts-Smith’s use of ePortfolios to support critical thinking and academic research and integrity in Drama 101A.” Goodbye UW-ACE, Hello LEARN - How Instructors are using LEARN. LEARN User Group, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. 8 December 2011.
Single author. “Bring Your Own Theatre: Autoethnography as Explicit Instruction in Foundational Theatre Studies.” Poster. Opportunities and New Directions Conference. University of Waterloo, April 27-28, 2011.
Professional Development Presentations
Course outline adopted and adapted by Dr. Peter Cockett at McMaster University.
Presenter, “Using e-Portfolios to support critical thinking and academic research and integrity in Drama 101A.” Introducing D2L/LEARN’s Integrated E-portfolio. Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. 16 December 2011.
Co-author (with Katherine Lithgow, Centre for Teaching Innovation, University of Waterloo): “Jennifer Roberts-Smith’s use of ePortfolios to support critical thinking and academic research and integrity in Drama 101A.” Goodbye UW-ACE, Hello LEARN - How Instructors are using LEARN. LEARN User Group, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. 8 December 2011.