The Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET) is a digital system for navigating between theatrical text and performance. Its combined 2D-3D-4D interface can operate as a sketchbook for planning performances, a rehearsal log, a promptbook, a show report, a performance reconstruction, an edition, or a virtual performance in itself. Designed and developed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers, SET uses the Unity game engine to allow users to create digital texts and performance environments and play them back simultaneously. Version 2, which we expect to release in May ’12, permits users to annotate all elements of the environment with text or images.
Presentations and Publications
Software Releases
Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET) Version 1 (Demo). June 2010. http://humviz.org/set/.
Conference Proceedings
Lead author. "The Text and the Line of Action: Re-conceiving Watching the Script." New Knowledge Environments: Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age 1 (2009). Papers drawn from the INKE 2009: Birds of a Feather conference. 23-24 October 2009. Web. http://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/INKE.
Conference Presentations
DeSouza-Coelho, Shawn, Jennifer Roberts-Smith (co-author), and Stéfan Sinclair. “Manipulating time and space in virtual worlds: design directions for the Simulated Environment for Theatre.” Submitted to the Society for Digital Humanities, Congress 2012.
Lead author. “Performing the Archive: Visualizing Performance Reconstruction in the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET).” Cultural Histories: Emergent Theories, Methods, and the Digital Turn. Transcanada Institute and Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory. University of Guelph, 1-3 March, 2012.
Lead author. “Loose Media: The Play between Text and Stage in the Simulated Environment for Theatre.” Canadian Writers Research Collaboratory - Canadian Women Writers Conference: Space/PlacePlay | Espace/Lieu/Jeu. Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, 27-29 October 2011.
Contributing author. “From Pillars of Light to Four-Legged Friends and Chess Pieces with Noses: Avatar Design for the Simulated Environment for Theatre.” Society for Digital Humanities/Société pour l'Étude des Médias Interactifs 2011 Conference, Congress, May 2011.
Lead author. "The Ontology of Stage Directions." Paper: Pacific Northwestern Renaissance Society Conference. Victoria, B.C., October 2010.
Lead author. "Literary Theory and Theatre Practice: Watching the Script and the Simulated Environment for Theatre." Poster: Digital Humanities 2010. King's College London, UK, 7-11 July 2010.
Contributing author. "From Surface to Space: Adding a Dimension to a Theatrical Visualization Interface." Paper: Society for Digital Humanities/Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Montreal, May 2010.
Lead author. "The Text and the Line of Action: Re-conceiving Watching the Script." Paper: INKE 2009: Birds of a Feather Conference, Victoria, B.C., October 2009.
Hirsch, Brett. “The Kingdom Has Been Digitized: Electronic Editions of Renaissance Drama and the Long Shadows of Shakespeare and Print.” Literature Compass 8.9 (2011): 568-591. Web. 26 January 2012.