Phil 255: Philosophy of MindInstructor: Chris
Eliasmith Here's a link to William James' Stream of Consciousness essay. Note: If you want help with the midterm questions, please supply your best guess as to the answer when asking about a question. I won't just 'give out' answers. Course Description: This is a survey course intended to introduce the student to contemporary philosophical approaches to traditional problems in the philosophy of mind. Readings for this course include classic papers outlining influential positions in philosophy of mind in the 20th century. We will situate and discuss introspectionism, psychological and logical behaviorism, identity theory, functionalism, subjectivism, instrumentalism, computationalism, eliminative materialism, and new mysterianism. Areas of study include the philosophy of psychology, sensation and perception, concepts, intentionality, folk-psychology, and consciousness.
Course material Policies and information
Resources If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Last updated Dec, 2007 |